Profits Earning Dollars…not Nickels

A particularly disturbing blog has recently caught our attention. The author of this blog was applauding a certain hotel brand for rigorously enforcing fees for guests who cancel their hotel room reservations. He states that hotels can get away with imposing pricey fees because airlines and rental car companies have been nickle-and-diming customers for so long that they now expect these charges.

He continues, claimcoinsing that clients not only expect but accept fees for things such as cancellations, human interaction, legroom, baggage, insurance, etc. Moreover, the author believes that hotels are justified in charging guests more for rooms away from the elevator. He concluded by saying that the hospitality world must take advantage of every opportunity to drive profits because, at the end of the day, that’s what businesses must do to survive.  

His ideology is entirely counter-intuitive to what we at Fresh Revenues believe makes our clients succeed. Simply put, we believe in maximizing revenues and driving profits by earning true loyalty from consumers. This dedication is gained by delivering more than our consumers expect. From amenities and products, to customer service and employee interaction, your company should always be one step ahead of your clients’ wants and needs.

It should be noted, however, that predicting and preparing for your client’s needs should not be confused with loyalty reward type programs. While these programs are designed to buy loyalty, we believe it is even more important to earn customer loyalty through stellar selling and servicing.  

Instead of pinning excessive fees on your clientele, charge a higher flat price for your rooms or base product. Drive this value proposition when consumers visit your website, call your businesses, or visit your location; and instead of simply providing them with solid customer service, go above and beyond to deliver more than you promised.

Not sure where to start?

Conduct an honest and thorough investigation of your company. How do your employees treat clients? What are you gaining from customer feedback? What strategies have boosted your business in the past? Reflect on various ways you can do the most to ensure your customers are loyal and contact the professionals at Fresh Revenues for assistance, today.
